Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The juggling act that is my life

I envy people who have families but still manage to juggle their time enough to get things done. ATM I am single, work only part time, and still can't seem to find enough time during my days to get everything done. I live in constant chaos. While I am looking for a full time job, I know I will have a lot less free time when that job comes around. But at 31 years old I should have a good job with benefits. I think if I was making more money, it wouldn't matter anyway.

I get home everyday at least by 3:00 pm. Sometimes earlier rarely later. I hang out with friends every evening for at least and hour. When I get home from the bar, I am usually too tired to do anything. I end up on the computer for the remainder of the night until time to go to bed.

Now it probably seems like I should have enough time to get things done. But nothing is getting done. I would really suck at having a family if I can't seem to handle things on my own. Bless the man who ends up with me.

Next blog I will try to give more background on me. I'd really like to get to know people a bit better and maybe opening up will help that.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Blog

I am really bad at keeping these things up, but I am going to try. I just need an outlet to just get things off my chest sometimes. It's weird that I am a writer, but I when I sit down to blog about thing, I can never think of what to type.

For now I am Carrie and I love having a good time with my friends. It doesn't matter if they are my real life friends or my Internet friends. I am a very sweet and shy person, but when you get to know me my shyness falls away. I believe in being nice to everyone and I give too many people the benefit of the doubt. My ego is bruised very easily and I feel looked over a lot of the times. Self confidence is something even at 31 I need to work on.

Hopefully tomorrow I can think of something more interesting to post.
