Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday is finally here!!

I am very excited that it is Saturday!! I started this blog so I could share a bit of the real me, but today I want to share the fic me. I have so many ideas running through my head. I have a current Instant Star fic that I am trying to get an update ready for. It's hard to get the emotions just right for this chapter. I hope to sit down in a bit and it will just come to me.

Then I have a twi fic that needs to be worked on. Plus two more ideas for AH fics. I just need the time to really sit down and write. But I am really self conscience about my writing because I don't get a whole lot of feed back. I know I will never have a award nominated fic, but I just want more reviews.

I better get to work.

My FFN profile

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